Nominations Open – 2024 MSF Global Marathon Swimming Awards


After a hiatus, we are bringing back the MSF Awards – recognizing outstanding achievements and contributions in the sport of solo marathon swimming (ultra-swimming). For 2024, we will offer awards in four categories:

  • Solo Swim of the Year – the most outstanding solo marathon swim.
  • Yudovin Award – the most adventurous swim (in honor of David Yudovin). Limited to swims that are the first known completion of a route.
  • Barra List – recognizing up to five swimmers who had the most outstanding overall year of marathon swimming (in honor of MSF charter member and core team member David Barra’s epic year of swimming in 2010).
  • Service to Marathon Swimming – recognizing outstanding contributions to the sport in a non-swimming role.

For details, criteria, and to submit nominations, go to

Please note, for independent / self-organized swims nominated in either of the two Solo Swim categories, the swim must be at least submitted for ratification to MSF Documented Swims by January 7, 2025.