MSF standard observer log updated

msf observer log sheet
MSF Standard Observer Log

The MSF Core Team are pleased to announce a redesigned Standard Observer Log, incorporating real-world usage and feedback from observers and reviewers of the 62 Documented Swims that were submitted to MSF in 2020.

Changes and new features include:

  • Taller rows – more space for larger handwriting.
  • Portrait orientation rather than landscape (easier to handle on a moving boat).
  • Four separate columns for water temp, air temp, wind speed, wind direction, rather than two.
  • Removed latitude/longitude column – redundant since GPS tracking data are already required for Documented Swims.
  • Prompt for units on temperature and wind speed.
  • A separate page of instructions, aimed at first-time observers.

We hope this redesign makes swim documenting more accessible to new observers, and makes life a bit easier for experienced observers.

Download the official PDF documents here:

observer log instructions
MSF Standard Observer Log – Instructions